Monday, February 9, 2009

Back to the grind

It's been a week since we were sprung from the hospital. Gage is doing great. We went to the doctor last tuesday and she told us that he sounded much better than he did while in the hospital and that we could do the breathing treatments as needed. Tonight is the last of antibiotic and we just pray that he doesn't get anything else during the last of these winter months.

Since being home he's been catching back up on his feedings and is eating like a champ. We are back to working on eating cereal and baby food. So far we've tried green beans and he's not huge fan of them yet.

Last night he starting trying to roll over again from back to tummy. He got over a couple of times and of course every time he got onto his belly he would get upset, he just hates being on his belly. Then tonight he's at it again. Anytime you put him down in the floor he's on his belly before you can blink. He's getting better and better at it and has started trying to roll from back to belly to back again.

He's growing up so fast. I can't believe it's been 5 months since out little man was born. Time really does fly.

Here are a couple of pics of Gage playing:

Playing is so tiring

Laughing a Momma upside down


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