Saturday, June 13, 2009

Pulling up

It has been a week of firsts. I can't believe how fast Gage is learning everything.

This morning I had put Gage down for his nap. He was playing in his crib as his normally does before going to sleep. I went in to check on him and he was sitting up in his crib. Next thing I know.......

Kelly had to lower the mattress this morning so that little man doesn't flip out.

There is not telling what is next, but I'm excited to find out.

9 month checkup

Gage's 9 month check up was Thursday. For the most part everything went well.

He has lost 2 lbs, now weighing only 13.8 lbs. The doctor and I discussed several things to start doing to help him gain some weight. So hopefully at his next check up he will have gained some weight.

He had another ear infection so one more and he'll get tubes. I figure it will be someone around the time he turns 1.

He is meeting all of his other milestones as he's suppose to and overall the doctor was pleased. Gage actually babbled through the whole appointment just showing his doctor how well he could "talk". She couldn't stop laughing at him and all his jabbering.

We've just got to get some weight on this baby boy.

Crawling and other tricks

Gage is now fully crawling everywhere and we are constantly getting him out of things. It's now time to baby proof the house.

Here he his crawling

The next video is from a little over a month ago that Kelly caught, too funny not to share. Gage had been rolling around and got up next to our entertainment console and had opened one of the doors to it and this is what Kelly caught.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

9 months old

Sorry about not updating lately. I'm not sure where the time has gone.

Gage is now 9 months old and I can't believe it. In three short months my baby boy will be a year old. The time has gone by way too fast.

So cute right.

This little man is doing so many new things. He's now army crawling all over the place. He hasn't quite figured out how to get up on those knees yet but between army crawling and rolling he's keeping us on our toes.

He's babbling all the time and "ma ma", "da da", and "ba ba" are all regular sounds that we hear.

He's starting to get some golden-brown hair covering up that beautiful bald head.

I'm sure that this summer has more new things in store for us.

I 've got several videos that I need to get uploaded and will hopefully get them up soon. So until then.......