Sunday, August 30, 2009

Playing at the Park

A few weekends ago we thought we would take Gage up to the park that is near our house, since they have a bucket swing and we thought that Gage would really like it.

As you can see he was a little indifferent to it. Kinda like he was wondering why his parents had put him in this thing and were now taking pictures. Geezz...

Kelly thought he would take him down the slide a few times and see what he thought of that

As you can see he thought about it as much as he did the swings. Hopefully in a few months he'll be more excited to go to the park.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Look Ma! No hands (sort of)

Last Thursday, Kelly and I were sitting in the living room talking and noticed that Gage really wanted something that his Daddy had. So Gage after a few moments decided to finally let go of the chair he was holding onto and took his first steps. We were so excited and of course we tried and tried to repeat what had just happened.

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Last thursday when I got to daycare to pick Gage up his teachers told me three things

1. They had cupcakes for snack that day for someones birthday

2. Gage liked the cupcakes so much that he had 2

3. They had taken pictures!!

So of course I asked for copies and am sharing them with you.......

I think that this is a prelude to what we will see at his first birthday party when he gets his own cake. Of course there will be picutres of that as well to share.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

11 months - Top 11

Can you believe it? This little man is 11 months old.

So here it is....a Top 11 things Gage is doing

11. loves riding in a shopping cart
10. babbles constantly
9. says mama, dada, and baba
8. still has no teeth
7. is starting to eat more and more table foods
6. loves to feed himself
5. still rubs his head will eating a bottle
4. stands on his own for a few seconds
3. loves to give kisses
2. loves music, he will stop whatever he's doing if he hears music on tv to watch and will occasionally dance for us, he even dances while eating, it's too cute

and #1 is......

he is walking all over the house while holding on to something

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Just checking in....

Is it already August? I can't believe how time has flown by. In a few short weeks our little man will be 1. Doesn't seem possible.

Just thought I would check in and show some of the new things Gage has been up to lately.

He's on the move now. As long as there is something to hold on to he's pulling up and walking around.

Here he is holding on to the gate we have in our hallway

He loves to stand here and rattle the gate and squeal

Now that he's all over the place he's into everything. If anything he is holding onto has anything on it he feels it's his duty to clear it off.

Exhibit A

Exhibit B

Doing a little light reading while he has it all out

He loves to climb under our kitchen table. He gets under there and then tries to grab at what is on top of the table through the glass.

We've been trying new foods



So much to do all in a day - wears a little boy out......