Saturday, March 7, 2009

6 months old already?

I can't believe that it has already been 6 months since Gage was born. Time really does fly. I was thinking the other day about how this time last year I was just getting over the nausea and being so sleepy and now we have a 6 month old that is rolling, babbling, and munching on toes.

Here is a video of couple of the new milestones we have hit recently

Gage's favorite food is Applesauce and bananas, he loves them both and you can't give them to him fast enough. He doesn't care for sweet potatoes. He chews on anything he can get his hands on, especially his hands. He can put his whole fist in his mouth. He is a pro at rolling over but still hates to be on his belly. He still loves to cuddle and is always up for kisses. He sits and watches everyone and everything with such curiosity. He almost always has a smile for anyone willing to look his way.

I can only imagine what the next 6 months have in store for us

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